Alexander Milanov is a social worker. His profession seems to imply his involvement with the most vulnerable in our society. If in his work, these are patients with various diseases, in his volunteer life, these are the children who are not raised by their biological families.

Alexander Milanov is a social worker. His profession seems to imply his involvement with the most vulnerable in our society. If in his work, these are patients with various diseases, in his volunteer life, these are the children who are not raised by their biological families. For more than 10 years Alex, with the support of other foster parents, has been one of the driving forces behind the National Foster Care Association. He is the person who works with the foster parents, but also seeks out and provides various opportunities for these children from finding a costume for a prom to organizing special educational events, providing mentors and all sorts of developmental opportunities for the foster children to have their moments in life!

The country has seen a major reform of childcare over the past almost 20 years - called deinstitutionalization. Thanks also to foster parents and their love for children, empathy, and willingness to provide care the change has happened. Today, foster care is the only alternative for abandoned children to get a normal family, love, support, to grow up and become individuals, to develop.

Alexander is one of the 60 young people from all over Bulgaria who participated in the Initiative - project of WCIF. Through interactive trainings, creating opportunities for sharing and exchanging experiences, solving practical tasks, mentoring by experts in the civil sector and creating a community of young leaders, the project contributes to the development of CSOs by supporting young people working in CSOs to make them and their organizations work better.
As a participant in the Initiative, Alexander says he has gained knowledge. Knowledge that is really needed for people from civil society organizations to seek support, resources, and funds. You can learn more about Alexander in the video below.

The Project Initiative for building the next generation of civic leaders is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria within the framework of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. The main objective of the project is accumulation of knowledge, skills and creating the conditions for transfer of experience to young leaders of civic organizations. The project is implemented by Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation.