Julia Radanova is a successful young woman and mother, with a rich and impressive CV. Doctor of Law, lawyer, mediator, university lecturer in mediation at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and in a number of universities in Europe, and President of the Institute of Mediation and Dispute Management (IMEUS). In the years she has been practicing mediation, she has repeatedly helped people find a solution to a conflict without going to court.
Julia Radanova is a successful young woman and mother, with a rich and impressive CV. Doctor of Law, lawyer, mediator, university lecturer in mediation at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and in a number of universities in Europe, Chairperson of the Institute of Mediation and Dispute Management (IMEUS). In the years she has been practicing mediation, she has repeatedly helped people find a solution to a conflict without going to court.

Julia is one of 60 young people who have been through the " Initiative for Building the Next Generation Civic Leaders ", a project involving young people to develop their knowledge and skills to work in the civic sector, through interactive training, opportunities for sharing and exchanging experiences, practical problem solving and mentoring by experts in the civic sector and creating a community of young leaders.

As Chairperson of IMEUS, she feels the need to improve the management of the association. The lack of leadership, goal setting, direction and functionality in the team's processes led her to the Initiative. Thanks to her participation in the training, she learned how to structure the work of her team and find new opportunities for the development of the association.

Learn more about Julia's work and the support she has received from the Initiative in the video below.

The Project “Initiative for Building the Next Generation Civic Leaders “ is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria within the framework of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. The main objective of the project is an accumulation of knowledge, and skills and creating the conditions for transfer of experience to young leaders of civic organizations. The project is implemented by the Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation.